此計畫之下設立了「社會實踐與都市創生中心」,其主旨在配合東海的中長程計畫,輔以各項校內機制鼓勵跨領域師生投入社會實踐 ,進入台中市中區進行社區深耕,企圖建立與在地居民及團隊長期的夥伴關係,建構一個可持續發展、穩定而強韌的社會創新生態系統。
This is a Page for Tunghai University’s project that focuses on the Central District of Taichung City, Taiwan (R. O. C.), covering research issues related to space renovation, industry activation, and interactions between communities. With four major domains (i.e. markets, farms, factories, and the theater) and two main themes (i.e. space and social group), the project is seeking to resolve problems realistically through cross-disciplinary course design and practices, as well as trans-generational co-learning and co-creation, so that, eventually, a pioneering and innovative pattern of urban renovation action can be properly developed.